Why is it that everyone expects everything to be
okay at Christmas? And that people spend so much time buying presents for the
people they love rather than just spending all time they waste down the shops
with them?
Why do so many people wonder why young people
act so spoilt, selfish and individualistic when the adults of the previous
generation act the same way? Spending money that you can’t afford on an
expensive all-you-can-dream-of-gadget-phone because you’ve lied to yourself so
much that you believe that you really need it and then not putting a single
penny in the offering plate at church because you ‘can’t afford it’ is no less
No you don’t ‘need’ that 60-inch plasma screen
TV, no you don’t ‘need’ that brand new car while the old one still works, nor
that touch screen tablet computer, nor that £120 pair of trainers that were
probably made by small child slaves… did you know that there are kids starving
in the world? In fact, did you know that there’s probably a homeless guy
sleeping not that far from where you’re reading this right now? Did you know there’s
probably someone sitting near you in church worrying about how they are going
to afford the rent this Christmas? If only we were all capable of opening our
eyes and looking further than our own interests.
I’m not saying this because I’ve got it all
sorted. I’m just more aware of how much of a hypocrite I am. I’m aware that
there is major problems with the way I live my life compared to the way I
should be living it. And I get frustrated when I look around at all the
‘Christians’ in churches who don’t seem to be aware of the issues, who appear
to be able to sleep soundly at night, apparently content with their input in
God’s wonderful plan for the world. That’s nice for them. But I’d rather live
in the truth, knowing the suffering and striving to do something about it, than
to sleep soundly in ignorance my whole life.
I’ve asked not to receive presents this year.
And apparently that annoys some people. I’m not trying to be ungrateful. I’m
not saying that I don’t appreciate the sentiment. I am just trying to learn how
to live with less stuff this year, and it’s hard to do that when I am receiving
a pile of gifts at Christmas. If anyone reading this is really desperate to get
me a gift this year, buy me a book. There are hundreds of books I am dying to
read, to help me to understand God, love and life better. Check out my Amazon
Anyway, back to the book: DNCIC:
- Give everyone the same thing. Choose one book that you love and buy everyone a copy.
- Instead of spending a fortune at the shops – let alone the time and hassle – make everyone a jar of marmalade, or pick some onions. This could all be done in one evening.
- Agree with your family and friends that you will all buy and receive one present with an agreed price limit.
- Buy everyone a present from charities such as Christian Aid or Oxfam and help the world in the process. Contact www.oxfam.org.uk or www.christianaid.org.uk. And there are lots of other charities that offer ways of giving presents that help others.
note: Christmas has been cancelled this year. Apparently you told Santa you
have been good this year. He died laughing.” Anonymous.
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