Wednesday, 28 December 2011


N.B. I'm into writing lists. I'm always writing them - shopping lists, to-do lists, books to read lists, chores lists, things to pack lists... you get the idea. One of the lists I write less often are lists about my life, 'bucket' kinda lists if you will. 

At New Year I'm not really into resolutions as things you decree at midnight on 31st December to change half-heartily and then 12 hours later realise you've failed miserably and give up.) When I want to change my life I do so immediately (or at the soonest possible time.) But this year feels different to me. Not different as in I believe something magical is going to happen as the clock strikes 12, but that I feel the end of this year brings closure, to many things that have gone on over the last few years.

2011 turned out not to be the year of hope and new opportunities that I hoped it would. Although there were many very special and amazing times - it was also full of disappointments and heartache. Maybe I should have that sentence the other way around... Anyway, I'm not here to write about the past. This is about the future, about change. About wanting things to be different, better.

I have written a list of things I want to accomplish this year. Some of them may seem like certainties, some of them maybe not - but I'm not going to say which are which. And who knows, what I want and what God wants might turn out to be totally different, and I may not complete any of them - but hey, it never hurts to have goals in life.

Goals For 2012:
  1. Return to The Philippines.
  2. Get my knees fixed.
  3. Invite more people round to dinner.
  4. Sleep out on the streets to raise money for the Homeless.
  5. Finish Bible In One Year.
  6. Give more stuff away.
  7. Graduate with a 2:1 (at least!)
  8. Get a job.
  9. See my friends more.
  10. See my family more.
  11. Start volunteering with Guides/Scouts again.
  12. Get a Youth Band up and running.
  13. Have some more 'time off'.
  14. Do a 25 mile charity bike ride.
  15. See something that takes my breath away.

“People don't fail because they aim too high and miss, 
but because they aim too low and hit.” 
Les Brown

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