Monday, 12 November 2012

Araw 41

Monday morning, and school starts again. Today I decided to do something useful and began to work through my Filipino Paces from the beginning: 1001. Found it very hard at first and gradually began to get the hang of it, though took me a while to get used to the instructions, and there are lots of words to learn off by heart. Finished to 1004, and worked through a few pages of 1005 but didn't really understand so decided to stop. Monday night was pretty uneventful, Fredo is beginning to really play up and not listen to instructions, or deliberately disobey them so dorm time is becoming a real struggle. This evening I offered a massage to one of the boys and ended up giving most of them a hand, foot and back massage. It helped the younger ones to relax and I was surprised how willing the older boys were to have a hand massage. Bless them.

I slept in Resthors bed again, with Resthor on one side, Randy on the other. Kim and Jeffrey slept in my bed, with Fredo on my suitcase by the fan... His favourite spot. I'm really going to miss sharing my bed with all these kids. There is something so beautifully innocent about being so close to them when you are falling asleep, almost protective, but knowing they will be there when you wake up too.

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