Wednesday, 18 May 2011


N.B. I've been so moody of late. Not entirely sure why. Might just be the stress of the final weeks of college, and the lack of sleep. Who knows. Anyways, so I just wanted to note that I am so thankful of the life I have had, and that I appreciate so much how easy it has really been.

July is approaching and so forth the start of my challenge. A lot has been purged to family, friends and other randoms, and I must say I am feeling better for the space and clarity it has given me in my head. I don't like feeling cluttered - it makes me feel trapped physically and emotionally. So having a bit more room to dance around is nice. :)

So, the list is written (see below). No doubt a few more things will be added as I find them (or fail to get rid of them before July) but I'm pretty happy with it. Feel free to question me at all. I'm open to questions. There are a few more things that I have decided not to place on my list, for example:
- Shampoo etc. This is basically because it's hygiene. I don't buy expensive washing equipment... the basics is good enough for me.
- Towel's. (again - hygiene, though I have only kept 2!) and other bed linen/blankets. This is because they will count as part of my bed when they are being used.
- Household Items such as the hoover, dust pan and brush, mop, bucket, tape measure, screw driver etc.
- Items that I have/need specifically for work or University. This is because these items are not part of my personal spending. (E.g. Work Phone, USB stick, Diary etc.)
- Digital Items – such as music and photographs.

My Challenge List - as of 18th May 2011.
1. My Bed
2. One small Table
3. One chest of Drawers
4. TV
5. DVD Player
6. Camp Chair
7. Bedside lamp
8. Black Rug
9. Glasses
10. One Bible (NIV Translation)
11. Camera (Lead & SD Card)
12. iPod (Earphones & Connector)
13. Mobile Phone (My non work phone)
14. Wallet
15. Backpack
16. One Journal
17. Pencil Case
18. Sentimental Jewellery [One ring, and bracelets from the Philippines/friends]
19. One Library
20. Memory Box (Mostly paper and cards from children/young people and friends)
21. Guitar (Capo, Picks, Strap, Case)
22. Saxophone
23. 3x3 Rubiks Cube
24. Isaac & Rabbit (the two cuddly toys that sleep in my bed.)
25. Photo Albums
26. Philippines Flag
27. Sleeping Bag
28. Bike
29. Bike Lock
30. Camp blanket
31. Suitcase
32. Toothbrush
33. Wash Bag
34. Small bag of make-up (for weddings)
35. Hair brush
36. Hair straighteners
37. Razor
38. First Aid Kit
39. Socks
40. Pants
41. Bras
42. Grey Hat
43. Swimming Costume
44. Goggles
45. Orange Ethletics
46. Black Converse
47. Red Converse
48. White trainers (Elements)
49. Grey Vans
50. Wellies
51. Jeans
52. Jeans
53. ¾ Combats
54. Grey Jean-shorts
55. Black Skinnies
56. Black jogging bottoms
57. Black shorts
58. Man Hoodie
59. Fila Hoodie
60. Easy Hoodie
61. Black Zippy
62. OC Hoodie
63. LLLL Hoodie
64. Youthworker Hoodie
65. Black jumper
66. Apo Island T-Shirt (black)
67. 8:32 T-Shirt
68. Counting Crows T-Shirt
69. Black T-Shirt
70. Fila T-Shirt
71. Kabankalan T-Shirt
72. Filipino Sun T-Shirt
73. S-S Black T-Shirt (tight)
74. S-S Black T-Shirt (tight)
75. L-S Black T-Shirt (tight)
76. L-S Black T-Shirt
77. L-S Black T-Shirt
78. S-S Turquoise Shirt
79. Black tie
80. L-S Shirt (black)
81. L-S Long Shirt (grey/black)
82. L-S Smart Shirt (white/black)
83. Smart purple jumper
84. Smart Trousers (black)
85. Black skirt
86. Colourful skirt
87. Black leggings
88. White leggings
89. Long black leggings (winter)
90. Green Dress
91. Pyjamas (summer)
92. Pyjamas (summer)
93. Pyjamas (winter)
94. Blue Scarf
95. Winter Coat
96. Waterproof coat

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