Friday, 4 April 2008


N.B. Written at Sipalay.

Lord, I want to serve you, more than anything else in the world. And I know that choosing to serve you with my life means making sacrifices, letting things go. I know that each day I spend with you I change. I strive to live my life as you taught me through your son, but sometimes I mess up. And sometimes I just let my feelings and emotions get in the way with what is right. Lord, I believe you made me into a wonderful person. But I have to work towards achieving that. And maybe God, I will never achieve it, but to strive towards that is to strive towards you.

To run this race of life will require a fighting spirit, because what we strive towards will be faced with forces of evil, to stop us, to slow us down. And though you have already won the victory over death, we still fight, for the glory of your Kingdom. And we shall not be overcome if we stand, because the battle is yours.

And look how far we have already come. You have fought with me over many issues in my life. Things that I allowed to get a foothold on me. Things that haunt me in the dark of the night, when sleep has evaded me. Lord, my heart shouts a victory cry for the things you have already done. But I am only beginning this part of the journey now. And I have far to go, many more struggles to overcome.

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